Donald Duck (character) + Silvertop / John Lautner (floorplan)

Superfluous Studio:

Melted Forms:  Hybrid Drawings Workshop

Second Year Undergraduate Design Studio
ioud - Institute of Urban Design

University of Innsbruck
Studio Description

The students were asked to retrace  existing architectural drawing and cartoon character in an effort to bring those two elements of a similar medium into the same language. They were asked to lose specific architectural elements from the drawings and certain characteristics of the cartoon characters and share their attributes in order to create a new hybrid drawing.

This exercise is for the purpose of examining existing architectural representation techniques whilst conceptually broadening design proficiency through figuration and abstraction concepts.

Julius Bertazzoni & Luca Schmalschlaeger  

Hilal Filiz &  Angelika Knoll

Leonard Bies & Rosanna Meininger  

Adrien Francis & Joshua Rigsby

Sarah Bruchmann &  Tobias Kunz

Tamara Lovrinovic & Johanna Pfitscher

Marina Melon & Matteo Perathoner

Gresa Hajra & Maria Muigg